Friday, April 9, 2010

receiver is studied

The principle of traditional optical receiver is studied. Then we conclude from the scheme of optical receiver that it can’t work correctly in the chi dazzle. And the experiment verifies our conclusion.In the MOOC-OPS, each MOOC–based optical label is encoded by the arrayed optical encoders consisting of 3 independent optical encoders. And in the label receiving unit, the output correlation pulses from all decoder and noises from the correlator are sent into the optical label processing unit and label recognition unit to determine which the MOOC-based optical are. The Lacoste Polo Shirts optical label processing can be performed using a set of passive optical encoders and decoders. The ralph lauren polo shirts optical label is encoded by the fiber Bragg grating (FBG)-based optical encoder. After the PIN the pulse is convert form optical label into electronic signal. The pulse peak value is 2mv, the duration of the pulse is 2ns. If it is sent directly into the core control unit (FPGA) according the routing table we can get the routing information, the expensive FPGA will be used We design a processing unit consisted with widening net and cascading multi-level amplifiers to processing tiny narrow pulse of optical labels. And by using the widening net and cascading multi-level amplifiers, the high-speed signal could be changed into low-speed signal, avoiding using the expensive wide-band amplifier and high-speed lace wedding dresses . The output of buffering network could be directly used for the data processing by low-bandwidth amplifier and low-speed cheap wedding gown dresses (Analogue-to-Digital Converters). The custom made prom dresses label recognition unit is used to sample and judge the label validity.In this thesis, an MOOC-based all-optical label receiving scheme is experimented, in which labels velocity is 500 MHz and payloads velocity is 1.28 GB /s. The results shown in this thesis prove the scheme is feasible.